Blogtober: What has been your biggest blogging challenge?

(Picture to come.  We are out of town and I’m using hubby’s computer… no artwork on here)

I think my biggest blogging challenge has to come down to self confidence, over coming the thought of “why do they care what I have to say”.  When I first started out I pretended like it was a private journal and no one would read what I was writing and it was easy to write.  Then to my horror and excitement people were reading my post.  And then came the writers block.  What would you find interesting?  Will you like this?  Sometimes I feel like I am the new kid at school again, will they accept me?  (Since I am realitively new to blogging)  Overcoming that fear has been my biggest challenge.  With that always over my head it is hard for me to find my voice and showcase my individuality.  But the more I do this and the more posts I get out there the easier it becomes.

Have you been blogging for a while or are you new like me?  What is your biggest challenge?
